They've got the blue memorial lights turned on tonight, from dusk to dawn, in the place where the Twin Towers used to be.
I can see the lights faintly from the kitchen window in my mother's apartment in Forest Hills, Queens. It's sad -- my mother used to be able to see the towers from her window every day. Now both the towers and my mother are gone.
I took this picture with my little point-and-shoot camera. I zoomed in, so Manhattan appears closer than it is. It's cloudy and dark outside. I set the camera on the "high ISO" setting, and that made the sky look much lighter in the picture than it actually is. I set the camera on the window ledge to try to minimize vibration while the non-adjustable shutter speed was apparently staying open for a long time, but it still looks blurred. I kind of like the way it looks, though -- it has a surrealistic feel to it.
I think I've only seen the lights once before in person, though I've certainly seen many pictures over the years. I do think it's a beautiful tribute.
Here's a cropped version of the picture above:
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